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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Circa 2011: And one makes three

Soooo. I. Am. Pregnant

Even though it was on my list of 'to-do's' lol, we decided that we would really aim to start the house thing this year and then focus on starting a family.

This unexpected surprise is still a welcome and we are going with the flow. I am just a bit worried about now squeezing a baby into this already tight room that Samurai and I share.

The pregnancy was pretty much uneventful and thanks to my very non-existent pregnancy cravings, my snacking expenditure wasn't very high :)

We have also been very resourceful regarding the items needed for the baby and pretty much arranged to ship a barrel from the States with all our necessities.

My cousin also started her house and gave us the contact for her draughtsman. We called him just to get an idea of the costs and procedures involved but the price per square foot that he quoted ($350-$400) was a bit of a shock.

Samurai was always so sure that if we just build the shell of our house, we'll spend no more than $500K and over the years we will eventually furnish to our liking. I always doubted it a little because when I browsed real estate listings in the country I would rarely find a house under $2M.

We therefore went back to the drawing board to re-design the house, decreasing the size and other splurges that we just couldn't afford.

By September our beautiful fat-cheeked baby girl was here and it was an unbelievable experience with much more to come.

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